Sunday, September 30, 2018

I am grateful for my new great granddaughter.

I gave thanks to God for allowing me to live long enough to see this miracle and to see my granddaughter with a degree of happiness. They are a lovely couple and have been together for twelve years.

She has a lot to contend with because of her mother having so many illnesses and problems, but she is doing good and I am proud of her. I wish I had been able to be more involved in her life when she was young.

Now summer is over and all our visitors are gone. It was a lovely summer but now its back to "normal".

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Today I Am Grateful For All My Friends And Family

It has been awhile since I have blogged here. I had a lovely birthday where we all went to the Mandarin restaurant. We had our niece Lorraine here for two weeks and she has just returned to England yesterday. We miss her so much and enjoyed her visit so much. It always feels empty and sad when she leaves. Now its back to normal.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Today I Am Grateful for A Beautiful Morning

I read The Nightingale and it was a very good read. I am feeling quite raw since finishing it. What horrific challenges our ancestors had in the recent war times. Its a beautiful day and looking forward to enjoying every minute of our summer.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Today I Am Grateful For Lovely Weather

Yes folks, its a lovely day here and I went for a beautiful long walk with Buddy all along the lake this morning. I finished reading The Nest and was quite happy to have that out of the way. So off I go to enjoy the rest of this beautiful day, just in case it changes quickly.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Today I Am Grateful For Cool Weather And Lack Of Mosquitoes.

Its been quite busy and I have read a few books lately. I did manage to go to the book group at BOAA. The jury is still out as to whether I will continue with it as its not quite what I had hoped for. The leader kept talking and there is only an hour in total so there really wasn't a discussion of the book like I would have liked. The new book for this month is called The Nest and I have the audio. Have had to listen and rewind a few times already. But we will see how it goes. I met a nice Spanish lady at the book group and I thought I could make a friend with her, otherwise I might not go back to the group. Have been quite involved in playing cards lately as well and really enjoying that.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Today I Am Grateful For A Nice Warm Day.

Yes, after such a very long and cold winter we are experiencing something very nice and warm. We have such a short season that we must try to enjoy and take advantage of every moment of the lovely weather and most of all to be thankful for it when it does happen. I have tried to finish The End Of Life Book Club for the second time. The in person book group at the BOAA is this morning and I really would like to join a book group. There is only one month until it takes a rest for the summer so this should give me a good idea of whether I would like to continue. Also, there is always the chance of meeting another person who would like to start a club of readers. So my goal is to get the doggie out for an early walk, and it might be too hot for him later anyway. Speaking of doggies, this little guy is such a joy. He just brightens up the day for me. Yes, he makes more work but what is life about if not to enjoy our furry friends.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Today I Am Grateful For My Good Health.

Finished the Banquet of Consequences and its a great story although truly a bit creepy when it all finally came together.

Today I am making soup for our neighbourse across the road. I say "the old couple" but in reality I think they are probably the age of my husband, or a bit younger. When I see other people and how they struggle, I truly realize how blessed we are for our ability to just be able to move around.

It has been absolutely pouring rain all night and this morning, a real deluge. Hope it stops soon so we can get our doggie out for a walk.

It was nice to walk with Maria yesterday and also to have a nice buffet dinner at the Chinese Restaurant on Sunday.