Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Still Snow

Yesterday it snowed all day and the roads are quite bad this morning. I had a lovely encounter at the grocery store. A lady at the checkout was buying the same brand of dog food as we give to Rusty and I commented to her about how good I thought the food is. We got to talking and she has a golden retriever like Rusty and she takes her dog to seniors' homes to visit. I am very interested in this because Rusty is so gentle and loving that I think he would be very good for this type of thing. Also, it would mean that I could spend time with him and enrich his life a bit. This morning I found the therapeutic dog website and have emailed a person for information. Also, I took Rusty to the basement and put him through a few things such as walking on his leash and staying put and he did fine. I know he gets excited when we go to the park or other places, but I am hoping that with a bit of training he will be better.

Also, the lady plays the organ and is looking for a duet partner. I gave her my card and I do hope that I can find a friend.